home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- //*************** GLOBALS *****************
- var FILE_CONFIG_PATH = dw.getConfigurationPath();
- var FILE_CUSTOM_SET = FILE_CONFIG_PATH + "/Menus/Custom Sets";
- //******************* API **********************
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array( BTN_Delete, "cmdDelete()"
- , MM.BTN_Cancel, "cmdCancel()");
- }
- function cmdDelete()
- {
- var deleteSetName;
- deleteSetName = LIST_SETS.get();
- // check to see if it is the active set : argument passed by callCommand
- if (deleteSetName.indexOf(LABEL_ActiveSet) == -1)
- {
- if (DWfile.remove(FILE_CUSTOM_SET + "/" + deleteSetName + ".xml"));
- MM.commandReturnValue = true;
- window.close();
- }
- else
- alert(MSG_CannotDeleteActiveSet);
- }
- function cmdCancel()
- {
- window.close();
- }
- //***************** LOCAL FUNCTIONS ******************
- function initializeUI()
- {
- var setArray = new Array(), activeSetName,i;
- activeSetName = MM.commandArgument;
- LIST_SETS = new ListControl("customSetsList");
- setArray = getSimpleName(getCustomSetList("custom"));
- // find the active set and change label (active set)
- for (i=0; i<setArray.length;i++)
- {
- if (setArray[i] == activeSetName)
- setArray[i] += " "+LABEL_ActiveSet;
- }
- LIST_SETS.setAll(setArray);
- }
- function getCustomSetList(setType)
- {
- var fileObj, filterFunction;
- fileObj = new File(FILE_CUSTOM_SET);
- if (setType == "factory")
- filterFunction = new Function("x", "return (x.isFile()) && (x.getAttributes() == 'R') && (x.getExtension()== 'xml');");
- else
- filterFunction = new Function("x", "return (x.isFile()) && (x.getAttributes() != 'R') && (x.getExtension()== 'xml');");
- return fileObj.listFolder(filterFunction);
- }
- function getSimpleName(filenameArray)
- {
- var i;
- for (i=0;i<filenameArray.length;i++)
- {
- if (filenameArray[i].lastIndexOf(".xml") == filenameArray[i].length-4)
- filenameArray[i] = filenameArray[i].replace(/.xml/,"");
- }
- return filenameArray;
- }